Habit # 7: Persistent Life of Righteousness
Habit # 7: Persistent Life of Righteousness
The Seven Spiritual Habits of a Maturing Messianic Jewish Faith
Repeating the Series Theme:
Discipline is an active pursuit toward personal development.
Spiritual Discipline is living out G-d's expectations for his people to learn of him
and to actively accustom themselves to living their lives his way!
The seventh spiritual habit is a Persistent Life of Righteousness. People today want to know if your religious faith is genuine. The reality of your faith is proven by the changes it brings into your life!
As followers of the Messiah Yeshua we are commanded to be holy as the
L-RD our G-d is holy. Yeshua also commanded us to live without
hypocrisy, and to go beyond just the written understanding of Scripture
to embrace the spirit of the commands. We must pursue holy living as
followers of Messiah, being willing to set aside actions and activities
that in any way hurt our testimony and hinder our ability to live
unencumbered for Messiah Yeshua.
Big Idea: G-d has called us to live lives that pursue his righteousness and set us apart for him!
Integrate: to form, coordinate, or blend into a functioning or unified whole; to unite.
1) How does G-d expect his people to live?
a) Leviticus 11:44; 1 Peter 1:14-16
b) Deuteronomy 8:1-6; James 4:1-10
2) Why should we try and live a righteous life?
- 2 Peter 3:8-18
a) What is G-d not slow in?
- 2 Peter 3:9
b) What is going to ultimately happen to this world as we know it?
- 2 Peter 3:10
c) What is our responsibility in regards to the Day of G-d?
- 2 Peter 3:11-12
d)What do we need to guard for ourselves?
- 2 Peter 3:17
Application: Are you actively seeking to live a holy life? What questionable actions have you given up for G-d? Remember that G-d has called us to live lives that pursue his righteousness and set us apart for him!
Category: The Seven Spiritual Habits of a Maturing Messianic Jewish Faith | Added by: admin (03.10.2010)
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