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Main » Articles » The Seven Spiritual Habits of a Maturing Messianic Jewish Faith

Habit # 5: Commitment to Service

Habit # 5:
Commitment to Service

The Seven Spiritual Habits of a Maturing Messianic Jewish Faith

Repeating the Series Theme:
Discipline is an active pursuit toward personal development.
Spiritual Discipline is living out G-d's expectations for his people to learn of him
and to actively accustom themselves to living their lives his way!

The fifth spiritual habit is Commitment to Service. An integrated member of a congregation is a committed servant within that congregation. This happens naturally as the fourth and fifth spiritual habits develop together within the life of a spiritually maturing believer who recognizes their spiritual responsibility to serve. The list of service opportunities within a congregation is never ending, especially if a congregation is committed to reaching out to those who are not yet followers of the Messiah.

Big Idea: G-d calls us to be committed to service within our congregation!

1) Examples of Leadership Service

a) Nehemiah 5:14-19 - A Leader for Messiah is self sacrificing for the benefit of others

b) Mark 9:33-35 - A Leader for Messiah is known for his selfless service of others

2) Models of Congregational Service

a) Nehemiah 1-5 - The Community served individually for the mutual benefit of the whole

b) Acts 6:1-6 - The Congregants assume Responsibility for the Physical so the Zekaynim are able to focus on the Spiritual

3) Pre-requisites for committed service: the acronym FAST

a) Faithful - Joshua 24:14-15; 2 Timothy 2:2

b) Available - Isaiah 6:8; Matthew 8:19-22

c) Spiritually Maturing - Psalm 37:1-9; Philippians 3:7-14

d) Teachable - Proverbs 17:10; 1 Corinthians 4:14-21

Application: What are you responsible for doing in service to G-d within this congregation and how is the quality of your service? Are you humbly teachable so that someone can mentor you? Remember that G-d expects us to serve him through committed service within and through our congregational community!
Category: The Seven Spiritual Habits of a Maturing Messianic Jewish Faith | Added by: admin (03.10.2010)
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