Habit # 1: Humble Teachability
Habit # 1: Humble Teachability
The Seven Spiritual Habits of a Maturing Messianic Jewish Faith
Repeating the Series Theme:
Discipline is an active pursuit toward personal development.
Spiritual Discipline is living out G-d's expectations for his people to learn of him
and to actively accustom themselves to living their lives his way!
Illustration: Pharaoh and his hard heart; Israel's heart also was hard and G-d challenges us to
have a heart soft toward him and his Instructions - Zechariah 7:12
Big Idea: G-d expects us to have a right
understanding of who we are and to willingly and respectfully learn all
that G-d desires to teach us.
What is Humility?
* Being able to take life without raising your voice and getting upset- Steve Moskovitz
* A right understanding of ourselves
- Genesis 2:7
- Proverbs 3:5-6
- Romans 12:3; 16
What is Teachability?
* The willingness to learn: to acknowledge our own shortcoming and our own need to better our own ways.
* Respecting G-d and Respecting his Authorities
- Exodus 20:12
- Proverbs 1:7 & 8
- Ephesians 4:11-13
- Titus 1:5, 2:15-3:1
What Keeps us from being Humbly Teachable?
* "Our Autonomous Self" \ Arrogance \ "I Know"
- Arrogance - an exaggerated understanding of one's own worth and position
* "Fear of Change" \ Ignorance \ "I don't want to Know"
- Ignorance - the lack of knowledge due to inadequate education or due to a refusal to take notice.
* "Been there, Done that" \ Disappointment \ "I have tried to Know"
- Disappointment - frustration with past failures which inhibit future efforts
What are some Scriptural characters who were Humbly Teachable?
* Joseph: Genesis 37-50 - A Life of Humility and Teachability despite his Setbacks
- Notice the pattern of his always doing good despite his setbacks, and
his life being an obvious witness of G-d presence in his life - 39:1-4;
* David with Nathan - After David's great sin he submitted to godly confrontation
- Nathan confronts the king about his sin and he repents - 2 Sam 12:1-13; Proverbs 27:6
* Zakkai (Zacchaeus) - he learned from Yeshua and he changed his life because of it
- He went to learn from Yeshua and he acted on what he learned, even to his own financial detriment. Luke 19:1-10
What helps us to become Humbly Teachable?
* Trusting in G-d despite life's setbacks
* Allowing others to speak into our lives even if it is painful
* Learning of G-d and his ways even if it costs us
Category: The Seven Spiritual Habits of a Maturing Messianic Jewish Faith | Added by: admin (03.10.2010)
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